A message to all amateur and professional growers based in the UK
If you are a member your help and assistance is always welcome. If you would like to be involved, please contact us.
We often require support on the day/days before the events and also at the closure.
If you are a member please support our Society by helping, or at least visiting some of the shows. Non-members are welcome to visit all events.
2025 Show dates
Capel Manor, Middlesex
Exact venue and date TBC
South Park Drive, Poynton, Cheshire
Hillcrest Community Centre, High Wycombe
Bingley Hall, Stafford
Newby Hall, North Yorkshire
Exhibiting gladioli
Participating in flower shows is a good way to learn more about gladiolus and to meet people with similar interests. Additionally, exhibiting the result of one's gardening efforts can be very gratifying. The British Gladiolus Society holds shows during the summer.
Spikes destined for exhibition should have florets with petals that are fully hydrated and show no sign of aging or insect damage. Choose spikes that have the bottom one-third or their florets in full bloom, the middle one-third showing color and the upper one-third in bud.
Florets should be evenly spaced and all facing in the same direction. The stem should be straight and the tip of the spike should not be bent.
Cut the spike so that the stem portion is about one-third its total length. It is best to cut spikes for exhibition the night before the show, place them in water and allow them to remain overnight in a cool location for florets to gain maximum hydration.

Showing basket arrangements and floret boxes
Other ways of exhibiting your gladioli include the Floret Box classes where individual florets are displayed on a board. Florets should all face the same way, be of equal size with an overall impression of being neat and tidy. The florets can all be of the same colour or a mix of harmonious or contrasting colours.

Basket arrangements should be of a suitable size for the basket used and should give the impression of depth rather than a straightforward fan arrangement. Spikes should be of good quality and foliage of gladioli or other plants may be used although the flowers should dominate. Supports are allowed as long as they are used discreetly.