The British Gladiolus Society

Photographing Gladiolus

You have grown that beautiful Gladioli and its taken all year, now spend a few moments to capture that bloom. Getting a picture suitable for this website takes time and to ensure that the webmaster gets perfect pictures of your prize winning Gladioli learn how to take pictures of flowers in this tutorial. getting your gear together and in working order, choosing the right lens, having a tripod set up and then preparing to take the image. Pause and examine your subject before pressing the shutter. Some questions to ask:

Snow castle

One of the questions above is worth a little extra consideration - ‘what distractions are there in the background and foreground?’ Gardens and shows are filled with all kinds of potential distractions. They might be the tool shed, a fence, other flowers, the clothes line. at shows people and especially other flowers ( why are you taking other peoples flowers?) etc. A decision needs to be made whether you want to include these elements or remove them from your shot. Either option is legitimate but in most cases you'll probably want to remove them unless they in some way enhance your shot. There are a number of options open to you if you want to remove distractive elements:

Sharp focus is important in all forms of photography but in flower Macro photography it is crucial and even a tiny adjustment can have massive implications for your shot as the depth of field is so small. In macro photography your depth of field is a game of millimeters so attention to detail in focusing is something to be worked upon.



Ideally your subject will be wonderfully lit without you needing to offer any assistance, however the world of outdoor macro photography is often far from ideal and there might be a need to intervene with either artificial light or some kind of reflector. Using a flash is something to experiment with. Generally you'll find that direct flash on automatic mode might wash photos out a little so consider using a flash diffuser and/or bouncing your flash off another object. I find that the more subtle and indirect the flash is the more natural your shots will look. Reflectors can also be handy in shooting flowers as they give a nice, natural, diffused light into areas of your subject that might not be getting natural sunlight. Experiment with different colored reflectors as they can really impact the colors in your shot.

Point and Shoot Cameras - if you're shooting with a point and shoot camera with no interchangeable lenses you'll obviously have less options here. You will probably have the ability to switch your camera into macro mode (which will allow you to focus a little closer and will tell the camera to use a large aperture giving you a shallow depth of field). Some point and shoot cameras do have the option of a macro lens attachment also to allow closer focusing (see your owners manual).

Basic Techniques

The techniques that I use depend on the situation, but generally include the following:

Submitting images for this web site you should create high-quality images. The webmaster will prepare them for the web page but he requires sharp, large pictures to work with. Varieties named with division plus growers name helps him show your pictures to their best. Copy to a Cd and send to the webmaster. So following these simple rule will improve your picture taking enormously and be ready to be displayed for the album or website gallery.

Founded 1926